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113 episodes available for the tv show American Dad!
Season 1
1 -
3 -
Stan Knows Best
4 -
Francine's Flashback
5 -
Roger Codger
Season 3
2 -
The American Dad After School Special
3 -
Failure is Not a Factory-Installed Option
4 -
Lincoln Lover
7 -
Of Ice and Men
11 -
American Dream Factory
13 -
Black Mystery Month
Season 4
1 -
The Vacation Goo
4 -
Big Trouble in Little Langley
9 -
Frannie 911
13 -
Red October Sky
14 -
Office Spaceman
Season 5
1 -
1600 Candles
2 -
The One That Got Away
3 -
One Little Word
14 -
Bar Mitzvah Shuffle
16 -
Delorean Story-An
17 -
Every Which Way But Lose
18 -
Weiner of Our Discontent
Season 6
2 -
Moon Over Isla Island
7 -
My Morning Straitjacket
8 -
G-String Circus
10 -
Don't Look a Smith Horse in the Mouth
11 -
A Jones for a Smith
13 -
Return of the Bling
14 -
Cops & Roger
15 -
Merlot Down Dirty Shame
16 -
Bully for Steve
17 -
An Incident at Owl Creek
18 -
Great Space Roaster
Season 7
1 -
100 A.D. (1)
2 -
Son of Stan (2)
3 -
Best Little Horror House in Langley Falls
4 -
Stan's Food Restaurant
5 -
White Rice
6 -
There Will Be Bad Blood
7 -
The People vs. Martin Sugar
8 -
For Whom the Sleigh Bell Tolls
9 -
Fart-break Hotel
12 -
You Debt Your Life
13 -
I Am the Walrus
14 -
School Lies
15 -
License to Till
16 -
Jenny Fromdabloc
17 -
Home Wrecker
18 -
Flirting With Disaster
19 -
Gorillas in the Mist
Season 8
1 -
Hot Water
2 -
3 -
A Ward Show
4 -
The Worst Stan
5 -
Virtual In-Stanity
6 -
The Scarlett Getter
7 -
Season's Beatings
8 -
The Unbrave One
9 -
Stanny Tendergrass
10 -
Wheels & the Legman and the Case of Grandpa's Key
11 -
Old Stan in the Mountain
12 -
The Wrestler
13 -
Dr. Klaustus
14 -
Stan's Best Friend
15 -
Less Money, Mo' Problems
16 -
The Kidney Stays In the Picture
17 -
Ricky Spanish
18 -
Toy Whorey
Season 9
1 -
Love, AD Style
2 -
Killer Vacation
3 -
Can I Be Frank With You?
4 -
American Stepdad
5 -
Why Can't We Be Friends?
6 -
Adventures In Hayleysitting
7 -
National Treasure 4: Baby Franny: She's Doing Well: The Hole Story
8 -
Finger Lenting Good
9 -
The Adventures of Twill Ongenbone and His Boy Jabari
10 -
Blood Crieth Unto Heaven
13 -
For Black Eyes Only
14 -
Spelling Bee My Baby
16 -
The Boring Identity
18 -
Lost in Space
19 -
Da Flippity Flop
Season 10
1 -
Steve and Snot's Test-Tubular Adventure
2 -
3 -
Buck, Wild
4 -
5 -
Kung Pao Turkey
6 -
Independent Movie
8 -
Minstrel Krampus
11 -
Cock of the Sleepwalk
17 -
Season 11
1 -
Roger Passes the Bar
2 -
A Boy Named Michael
3 -
Blagsnarst, A Love Story
Season 13
9 -
10 -
The Two Hundred
13 -
Widow's Pique
16 -
Daesong Heavy Industries II: Return to Innocence
17 -
Criss-Cross Applesauce: The Ballad of Billy Jesusworth
18 -
Mine Struggle
19 -
Garfield and Friends
20 -
Gifted Me Liberty
21 -
Next of Pin
22 -
Standard Deviation
Season 14
1 -
Father's Daze
5 -
Bahama Mama
6 -
Roger's Baby
8 -
Whole Slotta Love
9 -
The Witches of Langley
13 -
Camp Campawanda
17 -
Family Plan
20 -
Garbage Stan