
Learn English with the movie Avatar and fleex

By watching the movie Avatar with fleex, you can improve your English effortlessly

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A fleex subscription doesn't include access to this movie. Several videos available on YouTube come for free with the subscription; as for other movies such as this one, you must have access to them either via a service such as Netflix or by downloading the corresponding video file on the Internet.
Fleex's intelligent subtitles show up on demand in English and/or in your language, letting you improve your English while having fun with your movie.
With Reverso dictionaries embedded in your videos, you can click any word in the subtitles and instantly get its translations together with real-life usage examples. A good way to learn the meaning of "alights", "air-drop" or "reverse-engineer".
Fleex automatically detects the English expressions in Avatar, such as "bumper car", "oreo cookies" or "snap off". A great way to perfect your English!
Many other features will facilitate your learning while watching Avatar: a personal vocabulary list to store the words you want to learn, friendly navigation in the subtitles, slow pronunciation of the dialogs...